Manufacturing engineering

Author: TH Lübeck
Offering Institution: Technische Hochschule Lübeck
Course Language: English
Field of Knowledge: Preparation Courses Free of Charge
Average Workload: 70 Hours Free of Charge Enrol

What awaits you in this course?

Manufacturing takes place in a company with the objective to produce products that meet the requirements of the market and the customers, regarding

  • Type and quantity,
  • Schedule and quality,
  • Acceptable costs, and
  • Environmentally friendly use.

Companies must be able to achieve a certain profit to ensure further existence and further development. Products are created during the production process, which is usually distributed to several sites or even different companies. The production process comprises all sub-processes require for the creation of tangible goods and services. As already indicated by the title, our Manufacturing engineering MOOC discusses the sub-process of manufacturing engineering only.

During this nine-week long course, we will present you different production technologies that are used in different production processes. We will guide you with three different types of learning techniques:

  • We will present informations with our well-proofed learning content out of our German study module “Fertigungstechnik” and learning videos.
  • You will get the chance to link up with other participants, discuss about production processes and work up ideas together.
  • And finally, interactive questions will check your learning progress.

This course is part of the INTEGRAL² project.

In cooperation with the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences and the RWTH Aachen University, Kiron is implementing the pilot research and development project INTEGRAL², which is short for “Integration and Participation of Refugees in the Context of Digital Teaching and Learning Scenarios” (“Integration und Teilhabe von Geflüchteten im Rahmen von digitalen Lehr- und Lernszenarien”) ( The project is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and enables Kiron to test and refine its innovative educational model together with its partners.

What can you learn in this course?

After finishing this course you will be able to

  • design and rate production processes from several perspectives, also in order to answer investment and procurement questions,
  • know theoretical basics of key production processes and their economical applications,
  • rate the manufacturing capabilities of a company,
  • identify weaknesses and rationalization potential when comparing costs of different production techniques,
  • perform profitability calculations for manufacturing technologies in order to prepare investment decisions,
  • capture economic boundary conditions and implications of different manufacturing solutions to arbitrate between technical and economical requirements in order to improve or optimize production technology,
  • decide for optimal, profitable, and technically justified reasoned procurement of materials, tools, measuring instruments and auxiliary materials,
  • decide on the extend of outsourcing, and
  • rate the profitable use, the quality-appropriate production, the safety aspects and the ecological use of production techniques.


  • Introduction
  • Primary Shaping
  • Forming
  • Separation
  • Joining
  • Coating and changing material characteristics
  • Production systems

Further authors

Mihir Saoji

I am a passionate mechanical engineer and enjoy the process of product development. After graduating in Production Engineering from TU Berlin in 2015, I shortly worked as a researcher in the machine tools department. Currently I am an employee at Mounting Systems GmbH, working on the design and development of a Single-Axis Solar Tracker.


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