Technical English: Mechanical Engineering

Author: Dorle Stecher
Offering Institution: Technische Hochschule Lübeck
Course Language: English
Field of Knowledge: Preparation Courses Free of Charge
Average Workload: 40 Hours Free of Charge Enrol

What awaits you in this course?

The aim of the course is to learn and consolidate the basic technical vocabulary in the field of mechanical engineering and - application-oriented - grammatical structures. Furthermore, the receptive linguistic skills of listening and reading comprehension are trained. Participants should be enabled to follow first lectures in English in the field of mechanical engineering and to understand English-language technical literature. Strategies will be presented and practiced.

What can you learn in this course?

After completing the course “Technical English. Mechanical Engineering”

  • you will be able to recognize, understand and apply the most common technical vocabulary in your field of study.
  • you will be able to recognize and apply appropriate context-specific structures
  • you will be able to apply strategies that help you understand and follow lectures and other longer contributions in your field of study
  • you will be able to apply strategies that help you understand articles in your field of study
  • you will be able to identify and produce the language and features of the subject-specific text types process description, product description and graph description.
  • you will be able apply strategies that help you learn vocabulary independently, cope with a self-paced learning mode and continuously motivate yourself in the learning process


  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Maths: algebra and geometry
  • Energy and electricity
  • Materials and their properties
  • Forces
  • Friction
  • Transmission


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