Intercultural Competences

Author: Dr. Gabi Kratochwil
Offering Institution: Technische Hochschule Lübeck
Course Language: Англійська
Field of Knowledge: Einstiegskurse
Average Workload: 75 Hours Free of Charge
Course Start: 30.01.25 Free of Charge Enrol

What awaits you in this course?

Nowadays in a globalised world it is pretty easy to get in touch with persons from other regions/ countries, for example when you travel to other countries or when you meet other students during your time in a study program.

You may have wondered that you and the person of the other culture had some things in common, but that there were also some differences between how you and the other person thought and behaved. How did it go then? Could you solve the challenge? Do you still wonder what was going on?

If you would like to know what was going on or you are interested to gain some basic intercultural competences because you would like to prepare yourself for example for a study program this course is the right choice for you.

What can you learn in this course?

  • You can explain why cultural awareness and managing cultural diversity successfully matter.
  • You gain awareness about your intercultural challenges and the difficulties of cultural change.
  • You can describe what culture and the cultural iceberg is.
  • You know the insights and the limits of the classical intercultural studies.
  • You can apply the Bolten model (zooming in/zooming out), the Berardo model (5Rs) and the PSC model which help you to cope with intercultural challenges and the difficulties of cultural change.
  • You know the essential German cultural standards, be also aware that people may deviate from these standards and you can apply strategies of how to best interact with different German partners. 
  • You get some information about studying at Technische Hochschule Lübeck and about living and travelling in Germany.


Chapter 1: Organisation

Chapter 2: The importance of intercultural competences (First online meeting)

Chapter 3: The facets of culture and how to embrace them (First self-study unit)

Chapter 4: "I am what I am and your are what you what does that mean for us?" (Second online meeting)

Chapter 5: Classic intercultural studies and their limits (Second self-study unit) 

Chapter 6: Classic intercultural studies, their limits and recent approaches (Third online meeting)

Chapter 7: Tach zusammen! Grüß Gott! Moin! Meet the Germans... (Third self-study unit) 

Chapter 8: Enlarge your intercultural tool kit (Fourth online meeting) 

Chapter 9: Setting sails for the future

Further authors

Dr. Gabi Kratochwil is a top expert and trainer in the field of intercultural competences with over 25 years experience. 

Target group

International students, prospective students


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