Relations and Functions 1

Author: Prof. Dr. Ralf Schiffer
Offering Institution: Technische Hochschule Lübeck
Course Language: English
Field of Knowledge: Preparation Courses Free of Charge
Average Workload: 15 Hours Free of Charge Enrol

What awaits you in this course?

In this online course, "Relations and Functions 1", you will learn what relations and functions are. You will discover the difference between them and how to graph relations and functions.

What can you learn in this course?

  1. You will be able to understand the basic concept of relations, building directly on the set concept.
  2. You will realise that you have often come across relations: They are ubiquitous in mathematics and information technology.
  3. You will be able to define the term "real function" and you are able to connect numerous of their properties such as symmetry, periodicity, etc. with descriptive representations.
  4. You will have gained a clear idea of limit value generation and will master computing techniques for specific calculation of limit values of numerical sequences as well as functions.
  5. You will be able to explain the important significant properties of straight lines, parabolas, hyperbolas and you are able to connect the corresponding functional equations to the descriptive concepts of the related curve progression. Moreover, you will be able to derive the related linear equation from the specified properties of a straight line.


  1. Relations
  2. Fundamentals of Real Functions
  3. Limits and Continuity
  4. Selected Elementary Functions


Kai Obermüller

Kai holds a degree in mathematics and chemistry and has authored a number of MOOCs on Starting out as a participant, Kai has been active in Massive Open Online Courses for over five years. For over two years, he’s been creating his own courses and content for learners at oncampus. His main interests are Science and “Making”.